Tétralogie du Monstre - Tome 1
Novel by Enki Bilal
Presenting this outstanding story from the acclaimed creator of The Nikopol Trilogy, Enki Bilal, in full-sized graphic album hardcover format. A haunting and captivating work by one of the foremost graphic novel artists in the world, The Dormant Beast takes place in New York, during the year 2023. The story follows Nike, who has a prodigious memory, as he uses his gift to try to understand his past as a Yugoslav orphan, as well as his violent and chaotic present, where obscurantism has become a flourishing business of worldwide manipulation. The Dormant Beast is sure to please fans of Bilal`s other work, including the acclaimed Nikopol Trilogy, as well as science fiction fans. The Dormant Beast offers a level of sophistication that older sci-fi fans have been craving, in addition to the stunning artwork that is a staple of Bilal`s books.
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