1984, Level 4, Penguin Readers (Penguin Readers: Level 4)

Dystopia, Novel, Utopian and dystopian fiction by George Orwell, Sybille Titeux de la Croix


"De tous les carrefours importants, le visage à la moustache noire vous fixait du regard. BIG BROTHER VOUS REGARDE, répétait la légende, tandis que le regard des yeux noirs pénétrait les yeux de Winston... Au loin, un hélicoptère glissa entre les toits, plana un moment, telle une mouche bleue, puis repartit comme une flèche, dans un vol courbe. C'était une patrouille qui venait mettre le nez aux fenêtres des gens. Mais les patrouilles n'avaient pas d'importance. Seule comptait la Police de la Pensée."

First Published


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My favorite book. Why ? Because 1984 is 1984...

0 Responses posted in June


Kindly watch my latest video 😍 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-nWATycAkM for more videos just click this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljOSF_byl80&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VvGwQKqUxU&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXf8rKF6Rlw

0 Responses posted in February


O carte ce zugraveste cel mai bine visul american transformat astazi in noul cosmar totalitar la nivel mondial.

0 Responses posted in January


Such a good romance novel.

0 Responses posted in May


Maybe it was boring because its genius has already seeped into culture. Maybe it's just boring.

0 Responses posted in May
former user

Former User

Way ahead of it's time and great to read this in the light of current events. But it's such a slow burn.

0 Responses posted in February
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