Cennetin Doğusu

Novel by John Steinbeck


À l'est d'Éden, publié en 1952, est un livre de John Steinbeck.
Le titre est une allusion au verset biblique relatant la fuite de Caïn, après le meurtre d'Abel.
« Caïn se retira de devant l'Éternel, et séjourna dans le pays de Nôd, à l'est d'Éden. »
— Genèse

First Published


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John Steinbeck is just leaps and bounds above other authors: whether that be character development, plot, action, or just plain ability to tell a long cohesive story with several well developed sub-stories in between. A true masterpiece and I can't wait to read his other works, in hope that they live up to similar calibers.

0 Responses posted in August


It is the Old Testament story of Cain and Abel told twice, a California romance, and a reflection on the American take on the dichotomy of good and evil, how they are achieved and inherited. Thematically heavy, although it lags slightly in the middle, and is a little confused at first. Many strong passages which I could not help but continue reading. Fine writing by Steinbeck.

0 Responses posted in January


A classic story of 2 brothers. It was a little tough for me to et through but the overall message of the book is fantastic.

0 Responses posted in July
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