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Displaying 1-20 of 25 results.
Correspondance, 1926-1969
Hannah Arendt
Landru, precurseur du feminisme : la correspondance inedite, 1919-1922
Jean-Baptiste Botul
Cher, très cher, admirable et charmant ami : correspondance, Georges Perec - Jacques Lederer (1956-1961)
Georges Perec
Correspondance (1858 - 1929)
Georges Clemenceau
Correspondance 1900-1929
Richard Strauss
Correspondance : 1946-1959
Albert Camus
Henry Miller; Years of Trial & Triumph, 1962-1964; the Correspondence of Henry Miller and Elmer Gertz
Elmer and Felice Flanery Lewis Gertz, editors
The Berlin years : correspondence, May - December 1920 and supplementary correspondence, 1909 - 1920
Albert Einstein
The Berlin years : correspondence, January 1919 - April 1920
Albert Einstein
M.F.K. Fisher: A Life in Letters: Correspondence 1929-1991
Norah K. Barr
Within Four Walls: The Correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blucher, 1936-1968
Hannah Arendt
Letters lifted into poetry : selected correspondence between David Campbell and Douglas Stewart, 1946-1979
Jonathan Persse
Hannah Arendt-Karl Jaspers Correspondence 1926-1969
Hannah Arendt
Henry Miller: Years of trial & triumph, 1962-1964 : the correspondence of Henry Miller and Elmer Gertz
Henry Miller
The Heidegger-Jaspers correspondence, 1920-1963
Martin Heidegger
Isaac Babel: the lonely years, 1925-1939; unpublished stories and private correspondence
Isaac Babel
The correspondence of Roland H. Bainton and Delio Cantimori, 1932-1966: an enduring transatlantic friendship between two historians of religious toleration
Roland Bainton
Boris Pasternak: Family Correspondence, 1921-1960 (HOOVER INST PRESS PUBLICATION)
Boris Pasternak
The Orton Diaries (1966 - 1967), including the correspondence of Edna Welthorpe and others
Joe Orton
A life in letters : correspondence, 1929-1991
M. F. K. Fisher
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