Dragonwyck (Collection Toison d'or)

Novel, Historical fiction by Anya Seton


Dragonwyck is a novel, written by the American author Anya Seton which was first published in 1944.
It is a fictional story of the life of Miranda Wells and her marriage to Nicholas Van Ryn, set against an historical background of the Patroon system, Anti-Rent Wars, the Astor Place Riots, and steamboat racing on the Hudson River.
The book focuses on Miranda Wells: her longing for her rich cousin Nicholas Van Ryn, her eventual marriage to him, and ultimate discovery of her husband's dark and twisted actions.
The novel was subsequently adapted into a film called Dragonwyck, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and starring Gene Tierney, Walter Huston, Vincent Price, and Glenn Langan.

First Published


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