NetWare Administration: NetWare 4.0-6.0

by Mark Foust


NetWare Administration contains information from a consultant's or administrator's viewpoint. There are no other NetWare books like it. The author went right to the meat—the NetWare client starts Chapter 1. This book provides tips, tricks, high-level explanations and Foust's hardcore experience in the field for Novell. He includes information that his clients had to pay $10,000 a week to receive, including practical coverage of NDS, upgrading to 6.0, and thousands of detailed instructions to accomplish virtually any enterprise-wide task. This book has more specific information than any you have ever seen on NetWare. It covers NetWare 4.x through 5.x up to NetWare 6 (due out end of this year).

Covers new features in v. 6.0
Great for troubleshooting client problems
Learn how to re-design your NDS tree

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