
Skinned is a young adult science fiction novel by Robin Wasserman, first published in 2008. It is the first book of the Skinned trilogy and was followed by Crashed and Wired. It was later retitled as the "Cold Awakening Trilogy", with the books being titled "Frozen", "Shattered", and "Torn". The novel is set in a dystopian future where much of the environment has been ruined, the government has been taken over by corporations, and a few privileged members of society live in luxury at the expense of others trapped in ruined cities or corporation-owned towns. Lia Kahn is one of these privileged few, until an unexpected car accident leaves her fatally injured. Her family therefore decide to enlist the services of BioMax, a company which takes detailed scans of Lia's brain and download it into a mechanical body. After waking up in her new body, Lia must deal with the trials of a new type of existence, with the revulsion some members of society feel for "skinners", with the prospect of immortality, and with the impact of the accident on her family.

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