The Good Thief
Leur heure venue, bien peu sont ceux qui peuvent échapper à la Mort. Et, parmi eux, plus rares encore, ceux qui réussissent à éveiller Sa curiosité.Liesel Meminger y est parvenue.
Trois fois cette fillette a croisé la Mort et trois fois la Mort s'est arrêtée.
Est-ce son destin d'orpheline dans l'Allemagne nazie qui lui a valu cet intérêt inhabituel ? Ou bien sa force extraordinaire face aux événements ? A moins que ce ne soit son secret... Celui qui l'a aidée à survivre. Celui qui a même inspiré à la Mort ce si joli surnom : la Voleuse de livres...
Best-seller international, cette fable singulière envoûte par son audace et son originalité
Member Reviews Write your own review
Great book!
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The endin was fantastic. And so was the beginning by the way. It's just everything else was so bland to me. I loved the magical realism parts but it just wasn't kept up with enough or made enough of a theme for me. I guess I rated the book so low just because I saw the potential with it, but the ideas just weren't conveyed in a way I really enjoyed. I also thought the switching protagonists so much was too much
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Uma historia apaixonante na qual vc chora muito, porém tbm há momentos em que ri!
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Uma história linda, Liesel é uma menina doce e ao mesmo tempo uma guerreira. Apaixonante!
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A proposta de enredo é muito melhor do que a execução. Livro tediante, talvez se eu conseguir terminar de lê-lo um dia, sem que me dê sono, eu possa mudar de nota.
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Very beautiful, very poignant. Well written and touching.
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Interesting and inciting narration.
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