The Satanist

Novel, Spy fiction by Dennis Yates Wheatley


The Satanist is a black magic/horror novel by Dennis Wheatley. Published in 1960, it is characterized by an anti-communist spy theme. The novel was one of the popular novels of the 1960s popularizing the tabloid notion of a black mass.
The novel follows on from To the Devil – a Daughter, a successful occult novel from January 1953, later filmed in 1976 and features from the earlier novel Colonel Verney, an anti-Soviet anti-black magic British spymaster. The plot concerns Mary Morden, a young widow, and Verney's special agent Barney Sullivan who infiltrate a satanic cult. In doing so they foil a communist plot to conquer the world.
The novel presents conservative political and social views, and a conservative picture of the hero's masculinity.
The novel was published by Hutchinson & Co. who coincidentally had published the gothic novel of the same name by Mrs Hugh Fraser in 1912.

First Published


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