Dracula: Graphic Novel

Novel, Gothic fiction by Bram Stoker, Jarkko Laine


Drácula é um romance de 1897 escrito pelo autor irlandês Bram Stoker, tendo como protagonista o vampiro Conde Drácula. Sem dúvida trata-se do mais famoso conto de vampiros da literatura. A obra está em domínio público e pode ser obtida gratuitamente on-line, na sua íntegra, em língua inglesa.
Drácula tem sido designado como vários gêneros literários, incluindo literatura de vampiros, ficção de horror e romance gótico. O aclamado autor de literatura de terror Stephen King considerou Drácula um dos três grandes clássicos do gênero, sendo os outros dois Frankenstein e Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Estruturalmente, é um romance epistolar, ou seja, contada como uma série de cartas, entradas de diário, registros de bordo etc. Embora Stoker não tenha inventado o vampiro, a influência do romance na popularidade dos vampiros foi singularmente responsável por muitas peças de teatro, cinema, televisão e muitas interpretações ao longo dos séculos XX e XXI.

First Published


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I understand why this book influenced our culture and how it modeled our imagination but ready it was so boring... The first 15 are quite interesting and intriguing but the next 300 pages are conventional, uninteresting, most of it could fit in 20 or 30 pages. Not to mention the banalities and repetitive situation, the characters are tight to their functions, functions that the author teaches you when presenting each character and that you have to believe because no action will prove that indeed, they are worth of it. Finally, some situation are quite odd. Why on earth would those 3 pretender work together like if they were best friends? Besides, the American bring nothing to the story. Really.

0 Responses posted in February


I enjoyed this book immensely, and can really see why it is named as a classic! Many ‘classic’ novels, I can’t see the worth of, but this one was different. A lot goes on in this story, including vampirism, bug-eating, and there is the famous Dr. Van Helsing! It’s a very typical Victorian novel, with a lot of honour and protection directed towards women, and groups of men acting together and being manly. Although I really enjoyed the book and would read it again, I found the ending a little anticlimactic. Of course, I don’t want to spoil the ending for you :)

0 Responses posted in February
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