The Handmaid's Tale

Dystopia, Novel by Margaret Atwood


Escrito em 1985, o romance distópico O conto da aia, da canadense Margaret Atwood, tornou-se um dos livros mais comentados em todo o mundo nos últimos meses, voltando a ocupar posição de destaque nas listas do mais vendidos em diversos países. Além de ter inspirado a série homônima (The Handmaid's Tale, no original) produzida pelo canal de streaming Hulu, o a ficção futurista de Atwood, ambientada num Estado teocrático e totalitário em que as mulheres são vítimas preferenciais de opressão, tornando-se propriedade do governo, e o fundamentalismo se fortalece como força política, ganhou status de oráculo dos EUA da era Trump. Em meio a todo este burburinho, O conto da aia volta às prateleiras com nova capa, assinada pelo artista Laurindo Feliciano.

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Relevante para este clima político

0 Responses posted in January


Beklemmend, frustrierend, beängstigend. Aktuelle Entwicklungen sorgen dafür, dass diese Dystopie realer wird als einem lieb ist.

0 Responses posted in June


You will, in equal parts, enjoy the book, squirm uncomfortably, and be horrified when you read it!

0 Responses posted in September


I didn't like it. Yes, I can see the point it was trying to make. And yes, the concept did truly scare me. It was so surreal at times because I could definitely picture these things happening in society. As a woman, this book unnerved me. However, this book was so oddly written. It used a weird prose, half poetic, half lazy and blunt. The story felt disjointed and all over the place. Also, why does the author hate quotation marks so badly? What did they ever do to her? I struggled to get through this. I wanted to give up several times but I was just waiting for it to get better. It never did really. The conclusion was very unsatisfying. This book was upsetting. Also, I'm not really sure why this is considered a feminist book when it doesn't really seem like the women ever came out on top. Whatever we do, don't let Trump read this book. I don't want him getting any ideas.

0 Responses posted in August


I love this book

0 Responses posted in February
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