This play is a classic. Its tale of Oedipus, his wife and mother Jocasta, the oracles and his troubled infancy provides an intriguing story in a format that may be unfamiliar to students. I recommend this story for 9th-10th grade. Once the format of chorus and history of ancient Greece is understood the play can be performed in class. It also presents questions about fate, destiny and whether or not one is in control of their destiny.

by Sophokles


"Kuningas Oidipus" on Ateena näitekirjaniku Sophoklese värsstragöödia, mis esietendus umbes 429 eKr. See on teine Sophoklese kolmest Teeba-ainelisest tragöödiast, kuid on ajalises järgnevuses esimene; sellele järgnevad "Oidipus Kolonoses" ja "Antigone". Sajandite jooksul on seda hakatud pidama üheks parimaist Kreeka tragöödiaist.

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