Why England Slept

by John Kennedy


Why England Slept is the published version of a thesis written by John F Kennedy while in his senior year at Harvard College. Its title was an allusion to Winston Churchill's 1938 book While England Slept, which also examined the buildup of German power. Published in 1940, the book examines the failures of the British government to take steps to prevent World War II and is notable for its uncommon stance of not castigating the appeasement policy of the British government at the time, instead suggesting that an earlier confrontation between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany could well have been more disastrous in the long run.
The book was originally intended to be no more than a college thesis – it was rated as a magna cum laude by Professor Henry A. Yeomans and as a cum laude plus by Professor Carl J. Friedrich. Kennedy's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., always keen to elevate his son's reputation, encouraged Kennedy to publish the book, enlisting Henry R. Luce to write the foreword, and his friend Arthur Krock, former bureau chief of the New York Times, to assist in redrafting Kennedy's college thesis into what became Why England Slept.

First Published


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