The most popular books in English
from 34601 to 34800
What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

Herta Müller
Traveling on One Leg is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Herta Müller, published in German in 1989 by Rotbuch Verlag. An English translation was made available in 1998. The protagonist Irene is a German-speaking woman in her mid-thirties who has just emigrated from Romania …

Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The collapse of socialism across Eastern Europe - as manifested most dramatically by the events of the forever memorable November 9, 1989, when the Germans of East and West reunited, moved and overjoyed, on top of the Berlin Wall - has added more support and urgency to the …

Carlo Levi
Fleeting Rome: In Search of La Dolce Vita is a posthumous book by Italian Jewish writer and painter Carlo Levi, which collects a number of his writings: correspondence, documents, photographic material from his exhibition catalogues, mainly extracted from the Italian State …

Luca Rastello
A page-turning account of the international cocaine trade, presented as five lessons in how to move tons of the drug across borders Forget about cocaine concealed in false-bottomed suitcases or swallowed in ovules resistant to gastric juices. When entire national economies are …