The most popular books in English
from 35401 to 35600
What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.
Victor Hugo
'Lucrezia Borgia' is a drama by Victor Hugo. The French writer finished it in 1833. The historical work portrays the Renaissance-era Italian aristocrat Lucrezia Borgia. The libretto of Donizetti’s opera ‘Lucrezia Borgia’ was based on Hugo's play.
George Santayana
The Works of George Santayana, Volume 1: Persons and Places (Critical Edition)
Reinaldo Arenas
Published in 1982, Palace of the White Skunks is the second book of Reinaldo Arenas' Pentagonia.
Miguel Ángel Asturias
Leyendas de Guatemala was the first book to be published by Nobel-prizewinning author Miguel Ángel Asturias. The book is a re-telling of Maya origin stories from Asturias's homeland of Guatemala. It reflects the author's study of anthropology and Central American indigenous …
Alvaro Mutis
The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll is a compilation of novellas by Colombian author Álvaro Mutis. First published as a two-volume collection in Colombia in 1993, the work was translated into English by Edith Grossman in 2002. The novellas center on the exploits and …
Antonio Buero Vallejo
The publication of El Tragaluz in 1967 coincided with a slight relaxation in the political censorship in Spain, and therefore could deal directly with a situation arising directly from the Civil War and its aftermath. Buero Vallejo portrays the blighted lives of the family on …
Alberto Blest Gana
Martin Rivas is an 1862 novel by Alberto Blest Gana, and is widely acknowledged as the first Chilean novel. The social realist novel is at once a passionate love story and an optimistic representation of Chilean nationhood. Written shortly after a decade of civil conflict, this …
Gabriel García
Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez first published in Spanish in 1985. Alfred A. Knopf published an English translation in 1988, and an English-language movie adaptation was released in 2007.