The most popular books in English
from 36401 to 36600

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

36406. The Ancient Curse

Valerio Massimo Manfredi

In the middle of the night at the Museum of Volterra, young archeologist Fabrizio Castellani is immersed in his work - research into the famous Etruscan statue known as 'the shade of twilight'. Completely engrossed, he is startled by the phone ringing. An icy female voice warns …

36420. Second Variety: A Short Science Fiction Novel by …

Philip K. Dick

Science fiction enthusiasts, especially the fans of one of the best writers of the genre ever, Philip K. Dick, will surely love this delightful and action-packed short story by the master. The story provides a very grim perspective about the future of mankind. Humanity has been …

36426. The Starmen

Leigh Brackett

The Starmen is a science fiction novel by author Leigh Brackett. It was published in 1952 by Gnome Press in an edition of 5,000 copies. It was also published by Ballantine Books in 1976 under the original magazine title of The Starmen of Llyrdis. Ace Books published an abridged …

36427. Red Shelley

Paul Foot

Red Shelley is a 1981 work of literary criticism by Paul Foot. In it, the author draws attention to the radical political stance of the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, as revealed in poems such as "Queen Mab" and "The Masque of Anarchy". Foot describes how Shelley, while …

36428. White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the …

Winthrop Jordan

White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812 is a book by Winthrop D. Jordan.

36429. Death Turns the Tables

John Dickson Carr

Death Turns the Tables, first published in 1941, is a detective story by John Dickson Carr which features Carr's series detective Gideon Fell. This novel is a mystery of the type known as a whodunnit.

36435. The Nuclear Delusion: Soviet-American Relations in …

George F. Kennan

The Nuclear Delusion: Soviet-American Relations in the Atomic Age is a book written by George F. Kennan.

36446. The Mango Tree

Ronald McKie

The Mango Tree is a novel by Australian author Ronald McKie. In 1974, it won the Miles Franklin Award.

36458. The Watchers Out of Time and Others

H. P. Lovecraft

The Watchers Out of Time and Others is an omnibus collection of stories by August Derleth inspired in part by notes left by H. P. Lovecraft after his death and presented as a "posthumous collaboration" between the two writers. It was published in an edition of 5,070 copies. …

36471. Batman: Fear Itself

Michael Reaves

Batman: Fear Itself is a novel set in the universe of DC Comics superhero Batman by science fiction authors Michael Reaves and Steven-Elliot Altman. The novel features the Scarecrow as its primary antagonist. The novel is a sequel to Batman: Dead White and Batman: Inferno.

36488. In the cage

Henry James

In the Cage is a novella by Henry James, first published as a book in 1898. This long story centers on an unnamed London telegraphist. She deciphers clues to her clients' personal lives from the often cryptic telegrams they submit to her as she sits in the "cage" at the post …

36489. Prior Convictions

Lia Matera

Prior Convictions is a book written by Lia Matera.

36490. Collected shorter poems, 1946-1991

Hayden Carruth

Collected Shorter Poems, 1946-1991 is a book by Hayden Carruth.

36491. Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black …

Keith Boykin

Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies and Denial in Black America is a 2005 book by Keith Boykin. This book of essays analyzes the validity of the down low phenomenon, first publicized by J. L. King in his book On the Down Low. It covers multiple discussions about gay sexuality, the …

36517. The Old Neighborhood

Ray Suarez

The Old Neighborhood: What We Lost in the Great Suburban Migration: 1966-1999 is a 1999 non-fiction book by Ray Suarez. It describes the process of urban flight, as it has occurred in the United States from the 1960s to the 1990s.

36518. A Cry in the Night

Mary Higgins

A Cry in the Night is a suspense novel by American author Mary Higgins Clark.

36526. Lost

Gary Devon

Lost is a book written by Gary Devon.

36530. Angel's Gate

Gary Crew

Angel's Gate is a book written by Gary Crew.

36539. Blood and Honor

Graeme Davis

Blood and Honor is a fantasy novel by Graeme Davis, set in the world of Eberron, and based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is the fourth novel in "The War-Torn" series. It was published in paperback in September 2006.

36540. Bound By Iron

Edward Bolme

Bound by Iron is a fantasy novel by Edward Bolme, set in the world of Eberron, and based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is the first novel in "The Inquisitives" series. It was published in paperback in April 2007.

36546. When the Road Ends

Jean Thesman

When the Road Ends is a young-adult novel by Jean Thesman.

36547. The Jungle Book

Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book is a collection of stories by English author Rudyard Kipling. The stories were first published in magazines in 1893–94. The original publications contain illustrations, some by Rudyard's father, John Lockwood Kipling. Kipling was born in India and spent the first …

36548. The 7 habits of highly effective teens

Sean Covey

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a 1998 bestselling self-help book written by Sean Covey, the son of Stephen Covey. The book was published on October 9, 1998 through Touchstone Books and is largely based on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In 1999 Covey …

36571. Sunshine Enemies

K. C. Constantine

Sunshine Enemies is a crime novel by the American writer K.C. Constantine set in 1980s Rocksburg, a fictional, blue-collar, Rustbelt town in Western Pennsylvania. Mario Balzic is the protagonist, an atypical detective for the genre, a Serbo-Italian American cop, middle-aged, …

36575. Playing to Win: Becoming the Champion

David Sirlin

David Sirlin's treatise on winning at competitive games.

36587. The Color Purple

Alice Walker

The Color Purple is a 1982 epistolary novel by American author Alice Walker that won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. It was later adapted into a film and musical of the same name. Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story …

36588. The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson

Robert Caro


36589. Jagannath: Stories

Karin Tidbeck

“I have never read anything like Jagannath. Karin Tidbeck’s imagination is recognizably Nordic, but otherwise unclassifiable–quietly, intelligently, unutterably strange. And various. And ominous. And funny. And mysteriously tender. These are wonderful stories.” – Ursula K. Le …

36590. A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership

James Comey

In his forthcoming book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound …

36591. The Wild Irish Girl

Lady Morgan

The Wild Irish Girl; a National Tale is an epistolary novel written by Irish novelist Sydney Owenson in 1806.

36593. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman …

Edward Gibbon

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a book of history written by the English historian Edward Gibbon, which traces the trajectory of Western civilization from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium. It was published in six volumes. Volume …

36596. Mothers in the Fatherland

Claudia Koonz

Mothers in the Fatherland is a book written by Claudia Koonz.

36597. The Fated Sky

Henrietta Branford

The Fated Sky is the title of a historical novel for young adults by English author Henrietta Branford, first published in Great Britain in 1996 by Hodder Children's Books. Set in Norway and Iceland during the Viking period, it depicts the stirring but bleak existence of Dark …

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