The most popular books in English
from 40401 to 40600

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

40410. Plays


40452. Scarecrow & Other Anomalies

Oliverio Girondo

Scarecrow & Other Anomalies, by Oliverio Girondo, is a collection of short prose poems written originally in Spanish. Scarecrow inspired the feature film The Dark Side of the Heart, directed by Eliseo Subiela.

40503. Le Calvaire

Octave Mirbeau

Le Calvaire is a novel written by the French journalist, novelist and playwright Octave Mirbeau, and published by Ollendorff in 1886.

40513. Written in Water

Luis Cernuda

Written in Water is a book written by Luis Cernuda.

40524. Mon enfant de Berlin

Anne Wiazemsky

Based on the life of Claire Mauriac, mother of acclaimed writer Anne Wiazemsky, My Berlin Child tells the inspiring story of an extraordinary young woman who abandons her privileged world and finds courage and love while working for the French Red Cross during the Second World …

40552. Tell Me Why, Mummy

David Thomas

The inspirational true story of one man overcoming enormous odds – including sexual abuse from his alcoholic mother – to choose his own path in life and become a truly exceptional human being.From the age of four David Thomas was sexually abused by his alcoholic mother and …

40589. Scattered crumbs

Muhsin al-Ramli

Scattered Crumbs: is a novel written by the Iraqi author Muhsin al-Ramli. Al-Ramli's first novel, Scattered Crumbs, was published in Arabic in 2000, and its 2003 English translation received the Arabic Translation Award from the University of Arkansas Press. Set in an Iraqi …

40597. Carnages

Maxime Chattam

A tense, original New York-based thriller from one of France’s foremost crime writers. 8.34am. Fourteen people were dead. Twenty-one were wounded, some permanently. Hundreds would be scarred forever by what they had seen. Outside, the world was waking up. To start another day. …

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