The most popular books in English
from 42401 to 42600

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

42597. Alastalon salissa

Volter Kilpi

Alastalon salissa is a landmark Finnish novel by Volter Kilpi. The two-volume, 800-page story covers a period of only six hours, written in a stream-of-consciousness style similar to James Joyce's Ulysses. The central narrative of Alastalon salissa describes a meeting of a group …

42599. Dregs. Jrn Lier Horst

Jørn Lier Horst

Meet Chief Inspector William Wisting, an experienced policeman who is familiar with the dark side of human nature. He lives in challenging times for the Norwegian police force, meeting them with integrity and humanity, and a fragile belief that he can play a part in creating a …

42600. 172 Hours on the Moon

Johan Harstad

A terrifying thriller for young adult fans of The Martian and paranormal space adventure that will be devoured in one heart-pounding sitting.It's been decades since anyone set foot on the moon. Now three ordinary teenagers, the winners of NASA's unprecedented, worldwide lottery, …

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