The most popular books in English
from 43601 to 43800

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

43647. Ariel Sharon: A Life

Nir Hefez

Ariel Sharon: A Life is a book by Gadi Bloom and Nir Hefez.

43757. New Fairy Tales

Hans Christian Andersen

New Fairy Tales is a collection of four fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen and published by C. A. Reitzel in Copenhagen, Denmark on 10 November 1843. As was customary at the time however, the title page is dated 1844. The tales are completely Andersen's invention, …

43769. At overkomme livet

Lisbet Dahl

At overkomme livet is a book written by Lisbet Dahl.

43797. The Steadfast Tin Soldier


"The Steadfast Tin Soldier" is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a tin soldier's love for a paper ballerina. After several adventures, the tin soldier perishes in a fire with the ballerina. The tale was first published in Copenhagen by C.A. Reitzel on 2 …

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