The most popular books in English
from 49401 to 49600

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

49478. A Carne


A Carne is a 1888 Naturalist novel by Júlio Ribeiro. It is one of the most polemical works of the Brazilian literature, being frequently compared and considered as a forerunner to D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover.

49490. La Guerra Gaucha

Leopoldo Lugones

La Guerra Gaucha is the first book, outside of his published poems of the Argentine writer Leopoldo Lugones which he wrote in 1905. It is a book of stories about the gaucho guerrilla war they fought, commanded by Martín Miguel de Güemes, against the Spanish royalist during the …

49516. Rua

Miguel Torga

49579. Tragic Sense of Life

Miguel de Unamuno

Tragic Sense of Life is a book by Miguel de Unamuno.

49582. Sementes no Gelo

André Vianco

Sementes no Gelo, is a horror novel by Brazilian author Andre Vianco, published in 2002 by Editora Novo Século. In this book, the author explores his dark side, talking about ghost children. The idea comes when Vianco see, on TV, the problems of the frozen embryos, and the …

49599. Blindness

José Saramago

Blindness is a novel by Portuguese author José Saramago. It is one of his most famous novels, along with The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and Baltasar and Blimunda.

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