The most popular books in English
from 76801 to 77000

What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

76897. Essays on Otherness (Warwick Studies in European …

Jean Laplanche

Since the death of Jacques Lacan, Jean Laplanche is now considered to be one of the worlds foremost psychoanalytic thinkers. In spite of the influence of his work over the last thirty years, remarkably little has been available in English. Essays On Otherness presents for the …

76983. Behind Valkyrie: German Resistance to Hitler, …

Peter Hoffmann

While the "Valkyrie" plot by Nazi officers to kill Adolf Hitler is the best known instance of German opposition to his dictatorship, there were many other significant acts of resistance. Behind Valkyrie collects documents, letters, and testimonies of Germans who fought Hitler …

76986. Om

Robert Ståhl

76999. The tower at the edge of the world

William Heinesen

The Tower at the Edge of the World is William Heinesen's last novel written when he was 76, and is the summation of all of his work. He is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Nordic author of the twentieth century.William Heinesen describes The Tower at the Edge of the …

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