Возрождение Тьмы — фантастический роман американского писателя Тимоти Зана, вторая книга из «Трилогии Трауна». Издан в США в 1992 году. В России издан двумя издательствами — Азбука-Терра и Эксмо в 1996 2002 годах соответственно.
Zahn did it again, with the second in the Thrawn trilogy! Again, what can be said for this? The original characters are captured perfectly; while reading, I read it in their voices and inflections, without ever feeling it was forced. Thrawn is well written, Pellaeon is fantastic, Karrde and Mara Jade are awesome! What more could be asked for?
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While introduced in the previous book, this was the birth of one of Star Wars most iconic villain's; Grand Admiral Thrawn.
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Zahn did it again, with the second in the Thrawn trilogy! Again, what can be said for this? The original characters are captured perfectly; while reading, I read it in their voices and inflections, without ever feeling it was forced. Thrawn is well written, Pellaeon is fantastic, Karrde and Mara Jade are awesome! What more could be asked for?
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