Перш ніж я впаду

Novel, Young-adult fiction by Лорен Олівер


Перш ніж я впаду - роман, написаний американською письменницею Лорен Олівер. Її дебютний роман, випущений в 2010 році, практично відразу потрапив до списку бестселерів. Він орієнтований на підлітків 16-17 років. Хід сюжету, незважаючи на його «вторинність» захопить будь-якого читача. Це цікавий повчальний роман, що розбурхує уяву.

First Published


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the book as a total was fine. the story was strong and had a good message. however, i feel like the ending was not great. no spoilers here but you will NOT like the end. i feel in love with characters and was just let down by events. I also felt the vast amount of sex was unnecessary. typically i'm not bothered by sex. for some reason this book was different. *shrugs*. i hear there is a movie of this book so i will most likely watch that. I have certain people i know would like this book, so it depends on your personality if you will like it. hope this helps :)

0 Responses posted in March
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