Roman o sukobu kultura u maloj bosanskoj varoši Travniku, o provincijskoj svesti i Bonapartinom konzulu - Žanu Davilu, Parižaninu tanane prirode, pesnuku po osećanju sveta koji, dolazeći iz prosvećene Evrope u mračnu bosansku varošicu, shvata sve one posebnosti i krakterološke tmine Bosne. Pokušavajući da učvrsti francuski upliv u islamsko carstvo i sam konzul postaje deo večite bosanske melanholije i demagoške politike islamske carevine. Nikada do tada Davil, savremeni mladi čovek evropskog obrazovanja, nije video ljude kao što su bili Travničani, ni običaje kao što je audijencija kod turskog vezira, ni navike kao što je pljuvanje nedobrodošlog stranca. Susretom francuskog diplomate i turskog velikodostojnika kome Davil čita klasičnu tragediju a kod koga ona izaziva grohotan smeh, Andrić je hteo da prikaže sudar dva sveta i dve kulture koji se nikada neće pomiriti, a jaz između njih neće biti prevaziđen ni pokušajima njihovih najdobroćudnijih predstavnika.
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The Bosnian Chronicles is a fictitious account of the 19th century diplomatic squabble between the Napoleonic French and Royal Austrian super powers in the microcosmic town of Travnik; More importantly it's how this seemingly undaunted hamlet reflects the far-sounding events with such intensity as if it had been placed at the very heart of the conflict itself. Not unlike other Andrić narrations, the geographical setting is claustroscopic in nature. This precludes the type of breath-taking sweeping epic trait that Drina carries; In fact, where this novel excels is not at manipulating the time or space dimension, but in crafting the human dimension to great depth and gut wrenching effects. It excels on isolating the several atoms of existence that make up the small town of Travnik and exposing their reaction to their own observance by the external stimuli that is the larger than life struggle for power. It's not by any means a book of easy digestion. It's not - if I'm honest with my own experience - a book to be read during daily commuting. To fully appreciate it, i found that one needs considerable amounts of time at hand, has it takes it's time to introduce and develop characters and their interactions. The mundane social rites, gossiping, ploys and copious others instances of interplay - and obviously the way in which these are so masterfully presented to us - end up amplifying Travnik into it's own world, vibrant with life, strife and complexities. Andrić pits the old and the young, the secular and the religious, the modern and the conservative, the Grandiose and the minnow by drawing up several unique, realistic and complex characters. Another great work by Andrić, who cemented his place as one of my favorite authors, if not the very favorite.
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