The Killer Angels -- Sponsor: Fr. Shramko
Novel, Historical fiction by مایکل شارا
In the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation’s history, two armies fought for two conflicting dreams. One dreamed of freedom, the other of a way of life. Far more than rifles and bullets were carried into battle. There were memories. There were promises. There was love. And far more than men fell on those Pennsylvania fields. Bright futures, untested innocence, and pristine beauty were also the casualties of war. Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize–winning masterpiece is unique, sweeping, unforgettable—the dramatic story of the battleground for America’s destiny.
First Published
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While it is historical fiction, Shaara did his research well. This book is often used in college history classes. (This is how I 1st discovered it.) I've re-read it several times since college. It's a must for US Civil War buffs.
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