Les Faits : Autobiographie d'un romancier

by फिलिप राथ


The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography is a book by Philip Roth that traces his life from his childhood in Newark, New Jersey to becoming a successful, widely respected novelist. The autobiographical section is bookended by two letters, one from Roth to his fictional alter-ego Nathan Zuckerman, the other from Zuckerman himself, telling Roth what he sees as problems with the book.
Roth interlaces the present with the past and remote past. The book is divided into six chapters:
"Safe at Home"
"Joe College"
"Girl of My Dreams"
"All in the Family"
"Now Vee May Perhaps to Begin"
This book is included in the fifth volume of Philip Roth's collected works Novels and Other Narratives 1986–1991, published by the Library of America.

First Published


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