엔더의 게임은 오슨 스콧 카드의 SF 소설이다. SF 잡지 아날로그 사이언스 픽션 앤 팩트 1977년 8월호에 처음 수록되었다. 그 후 1985년 장편화되어 출판었다. 장편 작품은 1985년 네뷸러상, 1986년 휴고상을 수상하여 더블 크라운을 달성했다. 2013년 개빈 후드 감독에 의해 영화화가 …
Xenocide is the third novel in the Ender's Game series of books by Orson Scott Card. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards for Best Novel in 1992. The title is a combination of 'xeno-', meaning alien, and '-cide', referring to the act of killing; altogether referring to the act of selectively killing …
Wyrms is a science fiction novel by American writer Orson Scott Card. The story examines desire, wisdom, and human will. Card describes a version of the tri-partite soul, similar to that articulated by Plato in The Republic.
Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Orson Scott Card. Although not purely science fiction and definitely not hard science fiction, the book contains stories that have a futuristic angle or are purely works of fantasy set in current times. All the stories except “The Porcelain …
Treasure Box is the second horror novel by Orson Scott Card. It takes place in modern day America.
The Abyss is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card based on an original screenplay by James Cameron.
The Worthing Saga is a science fiction book by American writer Orson Scott Card, set in the Worthing series. It is made up of the novel The Worthing Chronicle and nine related stories. Six of the stories are from Card’s short story collection Capitol and the other three are early works, two of them previously …