ظل الريح هي رواية إسبانية صدرت عام 2001 للمؤلف كارلوس ثافون. وترجمت إلى أكثر من 20 لغة وبيعت منها ملايين النسخ. وتدور أحداث الرواية في برشلونة في القرن العشرين وكيف أن مقبرة الكتب تحوي كتبا عجيب يتم إخفائها عن الجميع بحجة أنها مبعثا …

The stunning new novel from the internationally bestselling author of the shadow of the wind. In an abandoned mansion at the heart of barcelona, a young man - david martin - makes his living by writing sensationalist novels under a pseudonym. The survivor of a troubled childhood, he has taken refuge in the world of …

The Prince of Mist is a 1993 mystery and horror young adult novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. It was initially published in Spanish by Editorial Planeta and later in English by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in 2010. The Prince of Mist is Zafón's first novel.

"We all have a secret buried under lock and key in the attic of our soul. This is mine."When Fifteen-year-old Oscar Drai suddenly vanishes from his boarding school in Barcelona, no one knows his whereabouts for seven days and seven nights. His story begins when he meets the strange Marina while he's exploring an old …

The Prisoner of Heaven is a 2011 book written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Originally published in Spanish, it was later translated to English by Lucia Graves, daughter of the poet Robert Graves. This is the third novel written by the author. The book begins one year after the wedding of Daniel Sempere and Beatrix Aguliar. …