規訓與懲罰-監獄的誕生是一部由哲學家米歇爾·福柯所著的書,原於1975年在法國出版,後於1977年翻譯成英語,又於1992年翻譯成中文。這是一部對現今的西方刑罰體系中所發生的巨變,其背後所有的社會及理論架構之檢驗。它主要專注在法國的歷史文獻上,但這些審試的資料和現今的每個西方社會則都有相關連。它被認為是極有發展性的一項工作,並且已經影響了許多位的理論學家和藝術家們。 …

The History of Sexuality is a three-volume study of sexuality in the western world by the French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault. The first volume, The Will to Knowledge, was first published in 1976 by Éditions Gallimard, before being translated into English by Robert Hurley and published by Allen Lane in …

《詞與物》是法國哲學家米歇爾·福柯1966年出版的著作,全名為《詞與物——人類科學的考古學》。出版時,福柯傾向於將該書命名為「事物的秩序」,但編輯希望改名為「詞與物」,最後福柯讓步了。而該書的英文版標題則為「事物的秩序」。 …

The History of Sexuality is a three-volume study of sexuality in the western world by the French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault. The first volume, The Will to Knowledge, was first published in 1976 by Éditions Gallimard, before being translated into English by Robert Hurley and published by Allen Lane in …

The History of Sexuality is a three-volume study of sexuality in the western world by the French historian and philosopher Michel Foucault. The first volume, The Will to Knowledge, was first published in 1976 by Éditions Gallimard, before being translated into English by Robert Hurley and published by Allen Lane in …