Lee Anderson - negro de pele clara e cabelo louro - decide vingar a morte do irmão mais novo, assassinado por ter feito sexo com uma mulher branca. Esse sucesso da literatura francesa é "uma fábula noir sobre racismo, ódio, sexo e dissimulação na sociedade norte-americana dos anos 1940, ao som de jazz e blues", na …

Autumn in Peking is a 1947 novel by the French writer Boris Vian. The French critic Bruno Maillé has described it as a surrealist novel, something the surrealists themselves ardently denied.

The Dead All Have the Same Skin is a 1947 crime novel by the French writer Boris Vian. It tells the story of a mixed Black-White American, who manages to have a career in "white society" without anyone knowing of his origin; when his black half-brother turns up and tries to blackmail him by threatening to reveal his …