Text messaging has spread like wildfire. Indeed texting is so widespread that many parents, teachers, and media pundits have been outspoken in their criticism of it. Does texting spell the end of western civilization? In this humorous, level-headed and insightful book, David Crystal argues that the panic over texting …

This is the definitive survey of the English language—in all its forms. Crystal writes accessibly about the structure of the language, the uses of English throughout the world, and finally he gives a brief history of English. The book has been fully revised and there is a fascinating new chapter on "The effect of …

The Words of Mormon is one of the books that make up the Book of Mormon. It is the only one not titled as a 'book' and consists of a single chapter of eighteen verses. According to the text, it is a comment inserted by the prophet Mormon while compiling the records which became the Book of Mormon. Textually, Words of …