《华氏451度》,美国作家雷·布莱伯利所著的反乌托邦小说,于1953年出版。 故事叙述了一个压制自由的近未来世界,禁止人们阅读、不能拥有书籍,所谓的[消防员]的工作不是灭火,而是焚书。文中的主人公,盖·蒙塔格,就是一名负责焚书的消防员。华氏451度,也就是摄氏233度,正是纸张的燃点。 《华氏451度》改写自1951年发表的中篇《消防员》,发表于2月的《星际科幻》杂志。由特吕弗执导的同名电影于1966年上映。另一部同名电影预计在2008年上映,但迄今未果。除此之外,BBC Radio 4也以这部小说制作了两部忠于原著的广播剧。 …

《火星紀事》,又譯作《火星編年史》,是美國作家雷·布萊伯利所著的科幻小說,於1950年出版。書中敘述地球人在21世紀派遣火箭前往探索火星,繼而有許多人離開戰亂紛擾的地球移民前往火星,並與火星原住民發生衝突的過程。 …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is a 1962 fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury. It is about 13-year-old best friends, Jim Nightshade and William Halloway, and their nightmarish experience with a traveling carnival that comes to their Midwestern town on one October. The carnival's leader is the mysterious "Mr. Dark" who …

The Illustrated Man is a 1951 book of eighteen science fiction short stories by Ray Bradbury that explores the nature of mankind. A recurring theme throughout the eighteen stories is the conflict of the cold mechanics of technology and the psychology of people. It was nominated for the International Fantasy Award in …

Dandelion Wine is a 1957 novel by Ray Bradbury, taking place in the summer of 1928 in the fictional town of Green Town, Illinois, based upon Bradbury's childhood home of Waukegan, Illinois. The novel developed from the short story "Dandelion Wine" which appeared in the June 1953 issue of Gourmet magazine. The title …

The October Country is a 1955 collection of nineteen macabre short stories by Ray Bradbury. It reprints fifteen of the twenty-seven stories of his 1947 collection Dark Carnival, and adds four more of his stories previously published elsewhere. The collection was published in numerous editions by Ballantine Books. The …

I Sing the Body Electric! is a 1969 collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. The book takes its name from an included short story of the same title, which took the title from a poem by Walt Whitman published in his collection Leaves of Grass.

The Halloween Tree is a 1972 fantasy novel by American author Ray Bradbury which traces the history of Samhain and Halloween.

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity is a collection of essays by Ray Bradbury and published in 1990. The unifying theme is Bradbury's love for writing. Essays included are: The Joy of Writing Run Fast, Stand Still, Or, The Thing At the Top of the Stairs, Or, New Ghosts From Old Minds How To Keep and Feed a …

From the Dust Returned is a fix-up fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury published in 2001. The novel is largely created from a series of short stories Bradbury wrote decades earlier, centering around a family of Illinois-based monsters and ghosts named the Elliotts. The stories originally appeared in the magazines The …