Hollywood is a 1989 novel by Charles Bukowski which fictionalizes his experiences of adapting his novel into the film Barfly. It is narrated in the first person.

Henry Chinaski, an outcast, a loner and a hopeless dunk, drifts around America form one dead-end job to another, from one woman to another and from one bottle to the next. Uncompromising, gritty, hilarious and confessional in turn, his downward spiral is peppered with black humour. Factotum follows Charles Bukowski's …

Пошта је роман који је написао Чарлс Буковски, издат 1971. године. Као што се за «Блудног сина» може рећи да је аутобиографија дјетињства Чарлса Буковског, тако се и за «Пошту» може рећи да је аутобиографија његових каснијих година. Без пребијене паре барска мушица Хенри Кинаски постаје замјеник поштара. Након тога …

Poems deal with writing, death and immortality, literature, city life, illness, war, and the past.

Pulp is the last completed novel by Los Angeles poet and writer Charles Bukowski. It was published in 1994, shortly before Bukowski's death. He began writing it in 1991 and encountered several problems during its creation. He fell ill during the spring of 1993, only three-quarters of the way through Pulp.

The Most Beautiful Woman in Town & Other Stories is a collection of anecdotal short stories by American author Charles Bukowski. The stories are written in both the first and third-person, in Bukowski's trademark semi-autobiographical short prose style. In keeping with his other works, themes include: Los Angeles …

With Bukowski, the votes are still coming in. There seems to be no middle ground—people seem either to love him or hate him. Tales of his own life and doings are as wild and weird as the very stories he writes. In a sense, Bukowski was a legend in his time . . . a madman, a recluse, a lover . . . tender, vicious . . . …

Low-life writer and unrepentant alcoholic Henry Chinaski was born to survive. After decades of slacking off at low-paying dead-end jobs, blowing his cash on booze and women, and scrimping by in flea-bitten apartments, Chinaski sees his poetic star rising at last. Now, at fifty, he is reveling in his sudden rock-star …

Блудни син је полу-аутобиографски роман америчког писца и пјесника Чарлса Буковског, издан 1982. Писан у првом лицу, роман прати Хенрија Кинаског, мало прикривеног ауторевог алтер ега, током раних година. Писан у његовој карактеристичној искреној прози, роман говори о његовим тинејџерским годинама у Лос Анђелесу за …