Le Voleur de temps, est un roman policier américain de Tony Hillerman paru en 1988. C'est le cinquième titre mettant en scène en territoire navajo le policier Joe Leaphorn et le deuxième qui raconte une enquête commune de ce dernier avec le policier Jim Chee.

Coyote attend est un roman policier de Tony Hillerman paru en 1990. Le roman remporte le prix Nero en 1991.

Porteurs-de-peau est le septième roman policier de Tony Hillerman paru en 1986. Après la trilogie Joe Leaphorn et la trilogie Jim Chee, Porteurs-de-peau décrit la première rencontre entre les deux policiers. Il sera suivi de Le Voleur de temps.

The Shape Shifter is the eighteenth crime fiction novel in the Joe Leaphorn / Jim Chee Navajo Tribal Police series by Tony Hillerman, first published in 2006. It was a New York Times best-seller and the last Chee/Leaphorn novel by Hillerman published before Hillerman's death on October 26, 2008. A cold case from Lt. …

Là où dansent les morts est un roman policier de Tony Hillerman paru en 1973. C'est le deuxième roman où figure le personnage de Joe Leaphorn.

The First Eagle is the thirteenth crime fiction novel in the Joe Leaphorn / Jim Chee Navajo Tribal Police series by Tony Hillerman, first published in 1998. Acting Lieutenant Jim Chee finds one of his officers nearly dead, with the perpetrator standing next to him in Yells Back Butte. Retired Lt. Joe Leaphorn searches …

Human bones lie on a ledge under the peak of Ship Rock mountain, the remains of a murder victim undisturbed for more than a decade. Three hundred miles across the Navajo reservation, a harmless old canyon guide is felled by a sniper's bullet. Joe Leaphorn, recently retired from the Navajo Tribal Police, believes the …

Talking God is the ninth crime fiction novel in the Joe Leaphorn / Jim Chee Navajo Tribal Police series by Tony Hillerman published in 1989. One murdered man near Gallup and the desecration of a Northeastern cemetery, protesting ineffectively the keeping of native American bones in the Smithsonian, lead Leaphorn and …