From the savannas of Africa at the dawn of mankind to the rings of Saturn as man adventures to the outer rim of our solar system, 2001: A Space Odyssey is a journey unlike any other. This allegory about humanity's exploration of the universe, and the universe's reaction to humanity, was the basis for director Stanley …
2010: Druga odiseja je znanstvenofantastični roman iz niza romanov Vesoljska odiseja angleškega pisatelja, futurologa in izumitelja Arthurja Charlesa Clarkea iz leta 1982. Druga odiseja govori o združeni ameriško-ruski odpravi, ki se je proti Jupitru z rusko vesoljsko ladjo Leonov odpravila iskati ameriško vesoljsko …
2061: Tretja odiseja je znanstvenofantastični roman iz niza romanov Vesoljska odiseja angleškega pisatelja, futurologa in izumitelja Arthurja Charlesa Clarkea iz leta 1987. Ker je niz Odisej tesno povezan z Jupitrom in njegovimi lunami, je hotel Clarke počakati s pisanjem tretjega dela, dokler ne bi odprava brez …
3001: The Final Odyssey is a science fiction novel by Sir Arthur C. Clarke. It is the fourth and final book in Clarke's Space Odyssey series.
A Fall of Moondust is a hard science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1961. It was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel, and was the first science fiction novel selected to become a Reader's Digest Condensed Book.
Against the Fall of Night is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. Originally appearing as a novella in the November, 1948 issue of the magazine Startling Stories, it was revised and expanded in 1951 and published in book form in 1953 by Gnome Press. It was later expanded and revised again and …