Helter Skelter. Prawdziwa historia morderstw Mansona - amerykańska książka relacjonująca przebieg najgłośniejszego w dziejach USA procesu, dotyczącego zbrodni grupy Mansona, napisana przez Vincenta Bugliosi i Curta Gentry.
And the Sea Will Tell is a true crime book by Vincent Bugliosi and Bruce Henderson. The nonfiction book, still in print as a trade paperback, recounts a double murder on Palmyra Atoll; the subsequent arrest, trial and conviction of Duane Walker; and the acquittal of his girlfriend, Stephanie Stearns, whom Bugliosi and …
Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O.J. Simpson Got Away with Murder is a true crime book by Vincent Bugliosi published in 1996. Bugliosi sets forth five main reasons why the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office failed to successfully convict O.J. Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. …
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder is a 2008 book by former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi. It argues that George W. Bush took the United States into the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses and should be tried for murder for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. The book sold over 130,000 copies within …
Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a book by attorney Vincent Bugliosi that analyzes the events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, focusing on the lives of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The book is drawn from many sources, including the Warren Report. Bugliosi's …