The Gift is Vladimir Nabokov's final Russian novel, and is considered to be his farewell to the world he was leaving behind. Nabokov wrote it between 1935 and 1937 while living in Berlin, and it was published in serial form under his nom de plume, Vladimir Sirin. The Gift's fourth chapter, a pseudo-biography of the …

A Russian Beauty and Other Stories is a collection of thirteen short stories by Vladimir Nabokov. All were written in Russian by Nabokov between 1923 and 1940 as an expatriate in Berlin, Paris, and other places in western Europe. They appeared individually in the Russian émigré press. Subsequently, they were …

The first novel Nabokov wrote while living in America and the most overtly political novel he ever wrote, Bend Sinister is a modern classic. While it is filled with veiled puns and characteristically delightful wordplay, it is, first and foremost, a haunting and compelling narrative about a civilized man caught in the …

『ディフェンス』は、ロシア人亡命作家ウラジーミル・ナボコフのチェスをモチーフにした小説。原題『ザシチタ・ルージナ』は、「ルージン・ディフェンス」を意味し、作品の主人公ルージンが考案したチェスの定跡を表す。他人と関わることを苦手とするルージンが、チェスの魅力に取りつかれ、その才能を開花させるが、やがてチェスによって、精神を病み、破滅していく姿が描かれる。ナボコフ自身はこの作品について、“私がロシア語で書いた全作品のうちで、『ディフェンス』は最も「温かさ」に満ちた作品である”と述べている。 …

"Nabokov writes prose the only way it should be written, that is, ecstatically." -- John Updike The Real Life of Sebastian Knight is a perversely magical literary detective story -- subtle, intricate, leading to a tantalizing climax -- about the mysterious life of a famous writer. Many people knew things about …