„Сто години самота“ е роман от колумбийския писател Габриел Гарсия Маркес, издаден през 1967 г. Един от най-значимите романи на 20 век и класическо произведение в литературния стил магически реализъм. Това е най-известният роман на писателя, продаден в над десет милиона копия. За него получава литературната награда …

„Любов по време на холера“ е роман на колумбийкия писател и общественик Габриел Гарсия Маркес, публикуван за първи път през 1985 година. В България за първи път излиза от печат през 1987 година. Романът също така е екранизиран през 2007 година като в главната роля играе Хавиер Бардем. Основната тема в този роман е …

A man returns to the town where a baffling murder took place 27 years earlier, determined to get to the bottom of the story. Just hours after marrying the beautiful Angela Vicario, everyone agrees, Bayardo San Roman returned his bride in disgrace to her parents. Her distraught family forced her to name her first …

Memories of My Melancholy Whores is a novella by Gabriel García Márquez. The book was originally published in Spanish in 2004, with an English translation by Edith Grossman published in October 2005.

On her twelfth birthday, Sierva Maria – the only child of a decaying noble family in an eighteenth-century South American seaport – is bitten by a rabid dog. Believed to be possessed, she is brought to a convent for observation. And into her cell stumbles Father Cayetano Delaura, who has already dreamed about a girl …

No One Writes to the Colonel is a novella written by the Colombian novelist and Nobel Prize in Literature winner Gabriel García Márquez. It also gives its name to a short story collection. García Márquez considered it his best book, saying that he had to write One Hundred Years of Solitude so the people would read No …

At the age of forty-six General Simon Bolivar, who drove the Spanish from his lands and became the Liberator of South America, takes himself into exile. He makes a final journey down the Magdalene River, revisiting the cities along its shores, reliving the triumphs, passions and betrayals of his youth. Consumed by the …

Living to Tell the Tale is the first volume of the autobiography of Gabriel García Márquez. The book was originally published in Spanish in 2002, with an English translation by Edith Grossman published in 2003. Living to Tell the Tale tells the story of García Márquez' life from 1927 through 1950, ending with his …

In Barcelona, an aging Brazilian prostitute trains her dog to weep at the grave she has chosen for herself. In Vienna, a woman parlays her gift for seeing the future into a fortunetelling position with a wealthy family. In Geneva, an ambulance driver and his wife take in the lonely, apparently dying ex-President of a …

„Есента на патриарха“ е роман на колумбийския писател Габриел Гарсия Маркес. Издаден е за първи път през 1975 година в Колумбия. Самият автор я определя като „поема за самотата на властта“. Книгата е разделена на 6 части. В нея се разказва за митичен тиранин, който е несменяем и управлява повече от 100 години. Той …