«Подчиненная Британия» — роман, написанный Гарри Тёртлдавом в жанре «альтернативная история», впервые опубликованный в твёрдом переплете и мягкой обложке в 2002 издательством Roc Books. Действие книги происходит в 1597 году в альтернативной вселенной, где победила Испанская Армада. Королевство Англии было завоевано и …
American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold is the second book in the American Empire alternate history series by Harry Turtledove. It takes place during the period of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. During this era in Turtledove's Southern Victory Series world, the Confederate States of America, stretching …
Return Engagement is the first book of Harry Turtledove's Settling Accounts series of alternate history novels. An analogy of World War II known as the Second Great War is being waged on American soil between the United States and the Confederate States. This series is part of a larger series of novels. For …
American Empire: The Victorious Opposition is the third and final book in the American Empire alternate history series by Harry Turtledove, and the seventh in the Southern Victory Series of books.
Colonization: Aftershocks is an alternate history and science fiction novel by Harry Turtledove. It is the third and final novel of the Colonization series, as well as the seventh installment in the extended Worldwar series.
Drive to the East is the second book in Harry Turtledove's Settling Accounts series of alternate history novels. It is set in an analog of World War II known as the Second Great War in North America, fought between the United States and Confederate States. It was released in August 2005. It follows Return Engagement …
Settling Accounts: The Grapple by Harry Turtledove is the third book in the Settling Accounts tetralogy, an alternate history setting of World War II known as the Second Great War in North America. It is part of the Southern Victory Series, which supposes that the Confederate States of America won the American Civil …
«Дорога домой» — научно-фантастический роман американского писателя Гарри Тертлдава. Книга является восьмой и заключительной из цикла, начатого тетралогией «Мировая война» и продолженного трилогией «Колонизация». Цикл описывает мир с альтернативной историей, в которой на Землю прибывает захватнический флот пришельцев …