image of Ντάνιελ Ντένετ

Ντάνιελ Ντένετ

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Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness is a book by Daniel Dennett.

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Freedom Evolves is a 2003 popular science and philosophy book by Daniel C. Dennett. Dennett describes the book as an installment of a lifelong philosophical project, earlier parts of which were The Intentional Stance, Consciousness Explained and Elbow Room. It attempts to give an account of free will and moral …

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Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting is a book by the American philosopher Daniel Dennett, which discusses the philosophical issues of free will and determinism. In 1983, Dennett delivered the John Locke Lectures at Oxford on the topic of free will. In 1984, these ideas were published in the book Elbow …

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Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life is a 1995 book by Daniel Dennett, which looks at some of the repercussions of Darwinian theory. The crux of the argument is that, whether or not Darwin's theories are overturned, there is no going back from the dangerous idea that design might not need a …

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Consciousness Explained is a 1991 book by the American philosopher Daniel Dennett which offers an account of how consciousness arises from interaction of physical and cognitive processes in the brain.