Razsodnost in rahločutnost je roman angleške pisateljice Jane Austen] iz leta 1811. To je prvi roman Jane Austen, izdala ga je pod psevdonimom »A Lady« .

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER—NOW AN EYE-POPPING GRAPHIC NOVEL OF MANNERS, MORALS, AND BRAIN-EATING MAYHEM It is known as “the strange plague,” and its unfortunate victims are referred to only as “unmentionables” or “dreadfuls.” All over England, the dead are rising again, and now even the daughters of Britain’s best …

Razsodnost in rahločutnost je roman angleške pisateljice Jane Austen] iz leta 1811. To je prvi roman Jane Austen, izdala ga je pod psevdonimom »A Lady« .

Persuasion is Jane Austen's last completed novel. She began it soon after she had finished Emma and completed it in August 1816. She died, at age 41, in 1817; Persuasion was published in December of that year. Persuasion is linked to Northanger Abbey not only by the fact that the two books were originally bound up in …