Closing Time is a 1994 novel by Joseph Heller, written as a sequel to the popular Catch-22. It takes place in New York City in the 1990s, and revisits some characters of the original, including Yossarian, Milo Minderbinder and Chaplain Tappman. The book has two stories that are interwoven throughout – that of …
God Knows is a tragicomedic novel written by Joseph Heller and published in 1984. It is narrated by the Biblical King David of Israel, and purports to be his deathbed memoirs; however, this David does not recount his life in a straightforward fashion, and the storyline is often hilariously fractured. Indeed, it is …
Madde 22, Amerikalı yazar Joseph Heller tarafından kaleme alınan hicivli ve kısmen tarihsel bir romandır. Heller, romanı 1953 yılında yazmaya başladı ve ilk kez 1961 yılında yayımladı. Hikâyesi 1943 yılında II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında geçen roman, 20. yüzyılın en büyük edebi eserlerinden biri olarak anılmaktadır. …
Picture This is a 1988 novel from Joseph Heller, the satiric author of the acclaimed Catch-22. The novel is an eclectic historical journey across three periods of history, all connected by a single painting: Rembrandt van Rijn's Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer. With constant reflections between the different …