Hobbit alebo Hobbiti alebo Hobit, alebo, cesta tam a späť, v origináli The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, je fantasy román J. R. R. Tolkiena vydaný 21. septembra 1937. V slovenčine vyšiel prvýkrát v roku 1973, v češtine v roku 1979. Román bol pôvodne vydaný ako príbeh pre deti v tradícii rozprávok a plní úlohu …

Pán prsteňov je epická trilógia v štýle fantasy, ktorú napísal J. R. R. Tolkien. Je to príbeh o priateľstve, svornosti a láske. Je jedným z najznámejších literárnych diel 20. storočia. Profesor anglického jazyka a literatúry na univerzite v Oxforde J. R. R. Tolkien napísal úvodný román, či skôr rozprávku, s názvom …

Silmarillion je kniha J. R. R. Tolkiena zaoberajúca sa dejinami fantasy sveta - Ardy. Sám autor ju počas svojho života nedokončil. Bola vydaná až v roku 1977 po doplnení a úprave jeho synom, Christopherom Tolkienom.

Hobbit alebo Hobbiti alebo Hobit, alebo, cesta tam a späť, v origináli The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, je fantasy román J. R. R. Tolkiena vydaný 21. septembra 1937. V slovenčine vyšiel prvýkrát v roku 1973, v češtine v roku 1979. Román bol pôvodne vydaný ako príbeh pre deti v tradícii rozprávok a plní úlohu …

The Children of Húrin is an epic fantasy novel which forms the completion of a tale by J. R. R. Tolkien. He wrote the original version of the story in the late 1910s, revised it several times later, but did not complete it before his death in 1973. His son, Christopher Tolkien, edited the manuscripts to form a …

Stories, poems, and commentaries by the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings FARMER GILES OF HAM An imaginative history of the distant and marvelous past that introduces the rather unheroic Farmer Giles, whose efforts to capture a somewhat untrustworthy dragon will delight readers everywhere. THE ADVENTURES …

The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien is a selection of J. R. R. Tolkien's letters published in 1981, edited by Tolkien's biographer Humphrey Carpenter assisted by Christopher Tolkien. The selection contains 354 letters, dating between October 1914, when Tolkien was an undergraduate at Oxford, and 29 August 1973, four days …

Roverandom is a novella by J.R.R. Tolkien, originally told in 1925, about the adventures of a young dog, Rover. In the story, an irritable wizard turns Rover into a toy, and Rover goes to the moon and under the sea in order to find the wizard again to turn him back into a normal-sized dog. The author wrote Roverandom …

The Lays of Beleriand, published in 1985, is the third volume of Christopher Tolkien's 12-volume book series, The History of Middle-earth, in which he analyzes the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien. The book contains the long "lays" or poems Tolkien wrote: these are The Lay of the Children of …

The Father Christmas Letters, also known as Letters from Father Christmas, are a collection of letters written and illustrated by J. R. R. Tolkien between 1920 and 1942 for his children, from Father Christmas. They were released posthumously by the Tolkien estate on 2 September 1976, the 3rd anniversary of Tolkien’s …