The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels is collection of four short stories published in 2003 by 2007 Nobel laureate Doris Lessing. The 2013 Australian-French film Adore is based on the story The Grandmothers.

Alfred and Emily is a book by Doris Lessing in a new hybrid form. Part fiction, part notebook, part memoir, it was first published in 2008. The book is based on the lives of Lessing's parents. Part one is a novella, a fictional portrait of how her parents' lives might have been without the interruption of the First …

At eighteen, Ben is in the world, but not of it. He is too large, too awkward, too inhumanly made. Now estranged from his family, he must find his own path in life. From London and the south of France to Brazil and the mountains of the Andes. Ben is tossed about in a tumultuous search for his people, a reason for his …

„Сиријуски експерименти“ је роман британске књижевнице, добитнице Нобелове награде за књижевност, Дорис Лесинг. Ово дело научне фантастике, објављено 1980, треће је од пет дела из серије романа „Канопус у Аргу“. Радња овог романа, као и радња романа „Шикаста“, говори о мирној планети Шикасти. За разлику од „Шикасте“, …

The Sweetest Dream is a 2001 novel by British Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing. The novel begins in the 1960s leading up to the 1980s and is set in London and the fictional African nation, Zimlia, a thinly veiled reference to Zimbabwe.