image of Edward Saïd

Edward Saïd

... Unknown

L'Orientalisme. L'Orient créé par l'Occident est un essai de l'universitaire américano-palestinien Edward Saïd analysant la vision occidentale du Moyen-Orient telle qu'elle apparaissait au XIXᵉ siècle dans l'art et la littérature, et les implications de cette vision en termes de colonisation et d'impérialisme culturel …

... Unknown

Culture and Imperialism is a collection of essays by Edward Said published in 1993. Said attempts to trace the connection between imperialism and culture in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. It followed his highly influential Orientalism, published in 1978. Said conceived of Culture and Imperialism as an attempt to …

... Unknown

Covering Islam is a 1981 book written by Palestinian author Edward Said about how the Western media distorts the image of Islam. Said describes the book as the third and last in a series of books in which he analyzes the relations between the Islamic world, Arabs and East and West, France, Great Britain and the United …

... Unknown
... Unknown

L'Orientalisme. L'Orient créé par l'Occident est un essai de l'universitaire américano-palestinien Edward Saïd analysant la vision occidentale du Moyen-Orient telle qu'elle apparaissait au XIXᵉ siècle dans l'art et la littérature, et les implications de cette vision en termes de colonisation et d'impérialisme culturel …

... Unknown

In this fascinating book, Edward Said looks at the creative contradictions that often mark the late works of literary and musical artists. Said shows how the approaching death of an artist can make its way into his work, examining essays, poems, novels, films, and operas by such artists as Beethoven, Genet, Mozart, …