九个明天是阿西莫夫的短篇小说集,选录九篇科幻小说,加上前后两首有趣的诗篇。这两首诗发表于1956年至1958年之间。本书最早的名称是“退件书”,1959年首次在美国发行,1963年在英国出版。收录的小说中有阿西莫夫最喜爱的两篇小说《最后的问题》《丑小孩》。 …

Earth Is Room Enough is a collection of seventeen short science fiction and fantasy stories and two pieces of comic verse published by Isaac Asimov in 1957. In his autobiography In Joy Still Felt, Asimov wrote, "I was still thinking of the remarks of reviewers such as George O. Smith . . . concerning my penchant for …

Azazel is a character created by Isaac Asimov and featured in a series of fantasy short stories. Azazel is a two-centimeter-tall demon, named after the Biblical demon. Some of these stories were collected in Azazel, first published in 1988. The stories take the form of conversations between an unnamed writer and a …

Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, by Isaac Asimov, vols I and II, ISBN 978-0-517-26825-4; Maps by the artist Rafael Palacios. This work gives a short guide to every Shakespeare play, and also his two epic poems. Asimov organizes the plays as follows: Greek Roman Italian The English Plays The last two categories are …

Asimov's Mysteries, published in 1968, is a collection of 14 short stories by Isaac Asimov, almost all of them science fiction mysteries. The stories were all originally published in magazines between 1954 and 1967, except for Marooned off Vesta, Asimov's first published story, which first appeared in 1939. Four …

夜幕低垂又译日暮,原本是美国作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫的短篇科幻小说《夜归》,1941年《惊奇科幻》杂志的主编约翰·坎贝尔在看到爱默生的一段文字“设若苍穹繁星,千年仅得一见,当面对这神秘天国之乍现,人类将会如何敬畏、赞叹、顶礼膜拜,且将这珍贵记忆流传子孙世世代代?”,他请当时年仅21岁的阿西莫夫将它写成一篇短篇小说,成为阿西莫夫的第32号科幻作品。《夜归》在1968年被美国科幻作家协会票选为“史上最佳科幻短篇小说”。 …