Artemis Fowl en het Atlantiscomplex is het zevende boek in de serie Artemis Fowl. Het is verschenen in het Nederlands op 6 januari 2011 en is het voorlaatste boek in de serie.

Artemis Fowl is een Iers fantasyboek van Eoin Colfer. Het is het eerste deel in de gelijknamige reeks. Oorspronkelijk is het boek geschreven in het Engels en in april 2001 uitgegeven door Penguin/Viking. De Nederlandse vertaling is eveneens in 2001 uitgegeven door uitgeverij Vassallucci.

Growing up with four complainers for brothers, Will Woodman has a hard time getting an audience for his own troubles. He has to wait in line to gripe to his mom--and that leaves his dad. But since his dad is so busy, Will has to defer to his older (and faster) brother Marty. Will decides that what he really needs is …

International best-selling author Eoin Colfer was introduced to a younger audience with his delightful new chapter book series in 2004. Now, Colfer takes readers on another entertaining ride with loveable brothers Will and Marty Woodman. Not much can scare Will and Marty. That is, until they travel with their family …

Eleven Doctors, eleven months, eleven stories: a year-long celebration of Doctor Who! The most exciting names in children's fiction each create their own unique adventure about the time-travelling Time Lord.London, 1900. The First Doctor is missing both his hand and his granddaughter, Susan. Faced with the search for …