Fleur de Lis et Fleur de Neige sont nées le même jour, à la même heure, dans une province reculée de la Chine du XIXe siècle. Alors que la famille de Fleur de Neige est de la plus haute noblesse, celle de Fleur de Lis n’a connu que la misère ; mais la grande beauté de cette dernière et la perfection de ses pieds lui …

Chine, 1937. Shanghai est le joyau de l’Asie, ville lumière, colorée et tumultueuse, abritant millionnaires et mendiants, patriotes et révolutionnaires, artistes et seigneurs de guerre. C’est aussi là que vivent les sœurs Chin, Pearl et May, magnifiques jeunes femmes, aisées et rebelles, aux tempéraments pourtant …

Pour la jeune Pivoine, recluse dans les appartements des femmes et promise à un mari qu’elle n’a jamais rencontré, la vie est monotone. Aussi, lorsque dans les jardins de la famille Chen, parmi les senteurs de gingembre, de thé vert et de jasmin, une troupe de théâtre vient jouer son opéra favori, Pivoine supplie ses …

Dreams of Joy is a 2011 novel by Lisa See. It debuted as #1 in the New York Times list of best selling fiction. In this book See completes the circle she began in Shanghai Girls. The former novel ends with the suicide of Pearl’s husband Sam and the shattering discovery by Joy that May is really her mother, Pearl is …

Lisa See, daughter of novelist Carolyn See, brings a novelist's skill to this sprawling ancestral history. Books tracing the roots of overseas Chinese writers are not uncommon these days, but See uncovered in her family tree a capsule history of the Sino-American diaspora: her great-grandfather, Fong See, founded a …

Flower Net by Lisa See is the first of the Red Princess mysteries. The other two novels in the series are The Interior and Dragon Bones. Flower Net explores the state of US-China relations in the early months of 1997, especially in terms of international politics, human trafficking, and the smuggling of illegal goods …

Dragon Bones by Lisa See is the third of the Red Princess mysteries, preceded by Flower Net and The Interior. Once again the protagonists Inspector Liu Hulan and Attorney David Stark return—this time as husband and wife.

The Interior is the second novel in Lisa See's Red Princess series. The first is Flower Net and the third is Dragon Bones. In The Interior Chinese MPS inspector Liu Hulan and David Stark, an American attorney who loves her and is the father of her unborn child, try to find out whether Miaoshan, the daughter of Hulan's …

A new novel from Lisa See, the New York Times bestselling author of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, about female friendship and family secrets on a small Korean island.Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old …