Den døde zone er en roman fra 1979 skrevet af Stephen King. Romanen udkom på dansk i 1988.

Insomnia is a novel written by Stephen King and first published in 1994. Like It and Dreamcatcher, its setting is the fictional town of Derry, Maine. The original hardcover edition was issued with dust jackets in two complementary designs. The first is pictured on the right; the second has the white and red colors …

Pigen der elskede Tom Gordon er en roman fra 1999 af den amerikanske forfatter Stephen King. Romanen handler om den niårige pige, Trisha McFarland, der i forbindelse med en tur i skoven sammen med sin mor og storebror, Pete, farer vild, da hun går afsides for at tisse. Hun vil ikke gå i panik og forsøger at undgå at …

The Talisman is a 1984 fantasy novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub. The plot is not related to that of Walter Scott's 1825 novel of the same name, although there is one oblique reference to "a Sir Walter Scott novel". The Talisman was nominated for both the Locus and World Fantasy Awards in 1985. King and Straub …

Just Another Lovers’ Triangle, Right?It was love at first sight. From the moment seventeen-year-old Arnie Cunningham saw Christine, he knew he would do anything to possess her.Arnie’s best friend, Dennis, distrusts her—immediately.Arnie’s teen-queen girlfriend, Leigh, fears her the moment she senses her power.Arnie’s …

A notice to those who feel that Stephen King has lost his magic touch: Desperation is the genuine goods. The ensemble cast of ordinary Americans thrown together by chance, including a disgruntled alcoholic writer and a child who is wise beyond his years, may be a bit too familiar. But the nearly deserted Nevada mining …

Dreamcatcher is a science fiction novel written by Stephen King. It was adapted into a 2003 film of the same name. The book, written in cursive, helped the author recuperate from a 1999 car accident, and was completed in half a year. According to the author in his afterword, the working title was Cancer. His wife, …

The Tommyknockers is a 1987 science fiction novel by Stephen King. While maintaining a horror style, the novel is more of an excursion into the realm of science fiction for King, as the residents of the Maine town of Haven gradually fall under the influence of a mysterious object buried in the woods. King would later …