Prince Otto: A Romance is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1885. The novel was largely written during 1883. Stevenson referred to Prince Otto as "my hardest effort", one of the chapters was rewritten eight times by Stevenson and once by his wife. The Robert Louis Stevenson website …
The Shelf2life History of the American West Collection is a unique project that provides opportunities for researchers and new readers to easily access and explore works which have previously only been available on library shelves. The Collection brings to life pre-1923 titles focusing on a wide range of topics and …
Dr. Jekyll ve Mr. Hyde, İskoçyalı yazar Robert Louis Stevenson'ın 1886 yılında yayımladığı kısa romanının adıdır. Özgün adı Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde olan bu roman Türkiye'de ilk defa 1942 yılında Hamdi Varoğlu'nun Türkçe çevirisiyle ve İki Yüzlü Adam adıyla Ahmet Halit Kitabevi tarafından yayımlanmıştı. …